

澳门足彩app provided a master plan to help a wine manufacturer make informed capital expenditure investments.

每一个成功的项目都始于一个计划. When the leadership at Wente Vineyards (Wente) needed help determining how to achieve optimal return on from its next round of capital expenditures, 它转向我们的团队寻求建议. 在澳门足彩app, we believe that master planning is one of the most valuable tools we have to offer our clients. A thoroughly researched and data-driven master plan can help clients like Wente make informed decisions on the best areas to invest their capex for a maximum return. Our team of skilled experts carefully evaluated the current manufacturing systems at Wente and laid out a master plan with recommendations for updating the packaging and process systems, including details on the potential impacts and ROI of each suggested option.

Detailed analysis showed room for improvement with Wente’s packaging and process systems.

在分析了温特目前的制造系统之后, 澳门足彩app的工程师确定了几个需要改进的地方. 在包装操作中, we suggested upgrading some equipment in areas where the system was creating bottlenecks and slowing production. 其中一些建议的升级也减轻了劳动力的负担, 解放人员,让他们专注于其他领域. 在过程系统方面, we identified additional tools and Clean-in-Place (CIP) system upgrades that could be used to make the facility’s sanitation procedures and protocols more efficient.

超越制造系统, we also reviewed the layout of Wente’s current facility and provided plans for constructing an additional building on the property that would provide extra office and warehouse space. 这次扩建的预计成本和收益已包括在计划中.

The final master plan provided insights into the potential impacts and return on each upgrade.

在总体规划中, 澳门足彩app概述了建议的升级应该发生的顺序, 对生产的潜在影响, 以及公司每笔投资获得回报的预期时间. These details helped Wente review and compare all of its options and determine the best path forward.


  • 澳门足彩app created a master plan with suggestions for packaging and process changes with strong Return on Investment (ROI) for Wente
  • Recommendations included suggestions for relieving production bottlenecks and reducing labor impacts with some key packaging equipment changes
  • Additional options were provided to reduce labor and enhance sanitation with new process equipment and automation technology
    We also made suggestions for potential facility enhancements that would allow for expansion with more office and warehouse space
  • 作为总体规划的一部分, 澳门足彩app provided a proposed order of operations for implementing the packaging and process changes, 以及每次升级的月/年估计投资回报率
业务发展、规划副总裁 & 发展


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